Sprint completion rate

  • Sprint completion rate (issues):

    • Issues Completed in Sprint / Total Issues in Sprint

      • Issues Completed in Sprint: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint and has Status Category as Done

      • Total Issues in Sprint: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint.

  • Sprint completion rate (points):

    • Story Points Completed in Sprint / Total Story Points in Sprint

      • Story Points Completed in Sprint: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint and has Status Category as Done.

      • Total Story Points in Sprint: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint.

      • If an issue does not have story points, it's counted as 0

Filters Options

  • Assignee

  • Priority

  • Issue Type

  • Label

  • Project

  • SLA Status

  • Team

  • Investments

  • Epic

  • Custom JIRA Field

Group By Options

  • Assignee

  • Priority

  • Issue Type

  • Label

  • Project

  • SLA Status

  • Team

  • Custom JIRA Field

Last updated