
Learn how to use the retrospective page

This blog will go over how to use Retros page in Haystack.

Multiple Sprints / Weeks

Note: Retrospective page has different views for Kanban & Sprints boards. The Kanban version will be a trimmed down version of the Sprint one.

Completion Rate

Only available in Sprint teams.

Completion Rate metric changes based on Issues vs Points setting.

  • Issues Calculation: Issues Completed in Sprint / Total Issues in Sprint

    • Issues Completed in Sprint: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint and has Status Category as Done

    • Total Issues in Sprint: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint.

  • Points Calculation: Story Points Completed in Sprint / Total Story Points in Sprint

    • Points Completed in Sprint: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint and has Status Category as Done .

    • Total Points in Sprint: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint.


  • You can check every issue that was included in the calculation by drilling inside specific Sprint/Week Reports.

  • For "Points Calculations" if an issue does not have story points attached to it, it is simply counted as 0.

  • Haystack uses Status Category to standardized Completion Rate across different teams

  • You can read more about What is Status Category?

Issues Completed

Available for both Kanban & Sprint teams.

Issue Completed metric changes based on Issues vs Points setting.

  • Issues Calculation: Issues Completed in Sprint/Week

    • Issues Completed in Sprint/Week: In the end of a sprint/week, any issue that is still part of sprint/week and has Status Category as Done

  • Points Calculation: Story Points Completed in Sprint/Week

    • Points Completed in Sprint/Week: In the end of a sprint/week, any issue that is still part of sprint/week and has Status Category as Done .


  • You can check every issue that was included in the calculation by drilling inside specific Sprint/Week Reports.

  • For "Points Calculations" if an issue does not have story points attached to it, it is simply counted as 0.

  • Haystack uses Status Category to standardized Completion Rate across different teams

  • You can read more about What is Status Category?

  • For Kanban teams it's end of week, for Sprint teams it's end of Sprint

Scope Change

Only available in Sprint teams.

Scope Change metric changes based on Issues vs Points setting.

  • Issues Calculation: # of Issues Start of Sprint - # of Issues End of Sprint

  • Points Calculation: # of Story Points Start of Sprint - # of Story Points End of Sprint


  • You can check every issue that was included in the calculation by drilling inside specific Sprint/Week Reports.

  • Statuses of an issue does not effect the metric. As long as the issue is in sprint it will be counted.

  • For "Points Calculations" if an issue does not have story points attached to it, it is simply counted as 0.


Available for both Kanban & Sprint teams.

Investments metric changes based on Issues vs Points setting.

  • Issues Calculation: Issues Completed in sprint/week tagged as given investment

    • Issues in sprint tagged as given investment: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint and has Status Category as Done & tagged as given Investment

  • Points Calculation: Story Points in sprint/week tagged as given investment

    • Story Points in sprint tagged as given investment: In the end of a sprint, any issue that is still part of sprint and has Status Category as Done & tagged as given Investment


  • You can check every issue that was included in the calculation by drilling inside specific Sprint/Week Reports.

  • For "Points Calculations" if an issue does not have story points attached to it, it is simply ignored.

  • Haystack uses Status Category to standardized Completion Rate across different teams

  • You can read more about What is Status Category?

  • For Kanban teams it's end of week, for Sprint teams it's end of Sprint

Single Sprint / Week

You can click on any week/sprint and drill-in into that specific report.

You can check more about Retros Report

Sprint Goals

In Jira you can set sprint goals. You can see the goals set in Jira inside Haystack.

Completion Rate

Only available in Sprint teams.

Read more on How is Completion Rate Calculated?

Clicking on "See details" button will show a modal with every issue that Haystack used to calculated this metric.

Planned vs. Injected

Only available in Sprint teams.

  • Committed Issue: Any issue that was inside the sprint before the sprint started.

  • Injected Issue: Any issue that was added to the sprint after the sprint started.

Issue Completed metric changes based on Issues vs Points setting.

  • Issues Calculation: Issues that are tagged as commited or injected

  • Points Calculation: Points of Issues that are tagged as commited or injected

Clicking on "See details" button will show a modal with every issue that Haystack used to calculated this metric.


  • To handle edge cases, after a sprint has started, if any issue has been added to the sprint with-in a 5 minute period, Haystack considered them as "Committed Issues". After this grace period ends, all issues added the to sprint will be counted as "Injected Issue"

  • For "Points Calculations" if an issue does not have story points attached to it, it is simply counted as 0.

Investment Categories

Available for both Kanban & Sprint teams.

Read more on How is Investments are Calculated?

Clicking on "See details" button will show a modal with every issue that Haystack used to calculated this metric.

Epic Progress

Available for both Kanban & Sprint teams.

The bar for each epic shows

  • Blue: % of issues completed outside of sprint

  • Green: % of issues completed during of sprint

  • Gray: % of issues not completed

Clicking on "See details" button will show a modal with every issue that Haystack used to calculated this metric.

Read more on How is Epic Progress is Calculated?

See epics page for a broader view

Release Notes

Available for both Kanban & Sprint teams.

Opens Release notes for that sprint.

See release notes for a broader view

Customizable Views

Issues vs. Story Points

You can change all calculations to

  • Issues

  • Points

where Points represent Story Points field in JIRA.

The setting will effect on the following metrics

Sharing & Export

Export as CSV

You can export Retro Report in CSV format using the Export button.

Export as Image

You can export Retro Report Drill-in page in PNG format using the Export button.

Share via URL

You can export any page in Haystack, including Retrospective pages just by sharing the URL. The URL will have the team & the week/sprint information allowing you to easily share with other teammates. ​ ​Example:{teamId}/review/{reportId}


Why is first row in Retros page tagged as active?

The first row in Retros page is the only week/sprint that is not completed, thus any number you see there can change during the week.

  • Sprint teams, once you complete the sprint

  • Kanban teams, once it's Monday

The report will stop being as active and the tag will be removed. Any number you see will freeze unless you change configurations that effects the page.

Can Retrospective page numbers change?

Except for the first row, all numbers are static.

Once the sprint/week is complete the number will not change except for any update Team Settings.

Update in the following settings will change historical data

  1. Retrospective page settings

  2. Team settings

    1. Jira board

    2. Filter Sprints

    3. Members

    4. Show member's work outside of the board

    5. Include non-team members work

How is sprint completion calculated?

You can read how Sprint Completion Rate is calculated here.

Can I update the sprint completion calculation?

No. Sprint Completion metric is pre-defined. It cannot be configured.

Can I use issues instead of story points (or visa versa)?

Yes, you can switch between story points & issues. You can read more here.

Can I use JIRA's original time estimate field?

No. Haystack only supports issues & storypoints. You can read more here.

What is Injected Issue?

There are 2 terms you need to be aware of

  • Committed Issue: Any issue that was inside the sprint before the sprint started.

  • Injected Issue: Any issue that was added to the sprint after the sprint started.

Note: To handle edge cases, after a sprint has started, if any issue has been added to the sprint with-in a 5 minute period, Haystack considered them as "Committed Issues". After this grace period ends, all issues added the to sprint will be counted as "Injected Issue"

You can read more here.

What happens when removing tickets from a sprint?

A ticket can only be removed from a sprint only during the sprint.

This would effect any metric from scope/completion rate/issue completed etc. for that sprint. Once the sprint is completed, the metrics will freeze. For more info read #h_d7a2e62e6a

Last updated