Data Sync

Data refresh times between Haystack and other integrations


Refresh Rate

JIRA (with webhooks)

JIRA (without webhooks)

Add entities

10 seconds

30 minutes

Update entities

10 seconds

30 minutes

Delete entities

10 seconds

24 hours

System issue settings (ex: board config changes like add/delete/update columns)

Every weekend

Every weekend

Learn how to enable webhooks (faster data sync) for JIRA.

Edge cases

  • Only first 250 comments on an issue is sync'd.

  • Bug SLAs take 30 minutes to calculate after an issue has been sync'd.

  • When a new Jira member is created, it takes 15 minutes for it to sync with a Git user. Read more on mapping members.

Version Control

Refresh Rate




Pull Requests

30 seconds

30 minutes

30 minutes


30 seconds

24 hours

24 hours


30 minutes

24 hours

24 hours

Edge cases

  • Git rebase changes history by deleting the commits.

    • Github: rebase commits are deleted in 24 hours

    • Bitbucket: rebase commits are not deleted

    • Gitlab: rebase commits are not deleted

  • Only first 300 reviews on an pull request are sync'd


Can I manually trigger data refresh?


You can contact to request for manual data refresh trigger.

Last updated