
We'll go over each alert Haystack has.

Check how to setup Alerts


Issue Stuck

Triggers: When an issue passes it's stuck configs.

Bug SLA Risk

Triggers: When a bug passes it's at risk configs.

Bug SLA Broken

Triggers: When a bug passes it's broken configs.

PR Not Linked

Triggers: When PR doesn't have a link to an issue. Haystack has a 10 minute delay before sending the alert.

Sprint Overcapacity

Triggers: When issue count or storypoint count passes capactiy limit. Haystack has a 30 minute delay before sending the alert.

Progress & Achievements

Mid-sprint Review

Triggers: When ~50% of time passed between sprint start date & sprint end date.

Cycle Completed

For Sprint & Kanban teams we have 2 different alerts


  • For Kanban, Monday 9AM (organizations default timezone)

  • For Sprint, when sprint is tagged as completed

Release Notes

For Sprint & Kanban teams we have 2 different alerts


  • For Kanban, Monday 9AM (organizations default timezone)

  • For Sprint, when sprint is tagged as completed

Epic Completion

Triggers: All issues under an epic is moved to Done status category

Last updated