Flexible Reports

Learn how to create a new Board

Looking to report team specific metrics? Checkout Team Reports.

Reports page, gives a you ability to create custom boards for different use cases.

Below we'll learn how to use Reports page.

Boards are a layer on top of graphs allowing you to have multiple graphs in a single view.

Create Boards

You can create a new board using the "Add new board" buttons.

You will see 2 options

  1. Blank report

Templates are a set of pre-defined reports combined into a single board.

The following templates are available

  • Operational Health Metrics: Track metrics that every software team should have eyes on

  • Team Health: Understand how your teams are working

  • Delivery Lifecycle: Understand issue lifecycle and where to focus

  • Code Review Lifecycle: Understand code review lifecycle and where to focus

Once you have selected your template you can click "Use template" to create the board.


  • You can always delete any board. Feel free to test what you are looking for.

Edit Board

Add Widget

You can add a new Widget in 2 ways

  1. Add Report Button

  2. Add Content Button

Once you click on them, you'll see 2 options

  1. Report widget: Adds flexible reports

  2. Note widget: Notepad that supports richtext editor.

Below is an example how both are being used together.

Update Report Order

If you hoverover any content you'll see 3 lines logo. Holding this will allow you to rearrange the order of the graphs

Update Filters

Filters allow you to quickly set common filter types across all graphs in that board with ease.

You need to press "Save" button for the filters to take action. Once saved, all the graphs respective filters will be updated individually.

Update Date Filter

You can quickly filter all boards to date filters you have selected.


  • Default - the board will show each graphs original date filter supporting different time ranges being shown in a single board.

  • You cannot filter earlier than 12 months. Contact us at support@usehaystack.io if you are looking to get more access.

Update Team Filter

You can quickly filter all boards to teams you have selected. ​

Once you open the dropdown you will see 2 sections

  • My subscribed teams: Any team you see in your left sidebar are your subscribed teams.

  • Other teams: Any team that you have not subscribed.

Note: Default - the board will show each graphs original team filter supporting supporting different teams being shown in a single board.

Update board name

You can change a boards name & their description.

Update access permissions

You can change the access of each board to either

  • Public: Everyone who has access to Haystack will be see the board in the "All boards" list

  • Private: Only you can see private boards.

Add to Favorites

You can set

  • any public board

  • your private boards

as your favorite board.

Once you have at least 1 favorite board, on the sidebar "Favorites" section will appear .

You can also set favorite boards by hovering over All boards list.

Duplicate Board

Duplicating a board will copy everything including all the boards underneath as a new board.

Delete Board

Deleting a board will delete everything related with that board. Anyone who has access to the board or has it as favorite will lose that access.

This action is not reversible.

Share Board

You can share the whole board with a few clicks.

The following options are supported

  • Export as CSV: Shares each boards data in CSV format.

  • Export as PNG: Takes a screenshot of the board in png format.

  • Copy Link: Shares the board link. You can also share the link from the browser.

    • When sharing a board, make sure that the board permission is set as "public".

    • Only people who has access to Haystack can see the shared links


Operational Metrics Board

You can read more on First Principles of Engineering Metrics


  • Issue Cycle Time

  • Issue Completed


  • Issue Lead Time

    • filter by bugs

  • Issue Completed

    • filter by bugs


  • Sprint Predictability Rate

  • Issue Completed

    • group by Investments

Quality Board

You can read more on How to Improve Quality.

Main Metrics

  • Issue Lead Time

    • filter by bugs

  • Issue Completed

    • filter by bugs

Debugging Metrics

  • Issue Lead Time

    • group by teams

    • filter by bugs

  • Issues Completed

    • group by teams

    • filter by bugs

  • Issue Lead Time

    • group by priority

    • filter by bugs

  • Issues Completed

    • group by priority

    • filter by bugs

Estimation Accuracy

Main Metrics

  • Sprint Predictability Rate

Debugging Metrics

  • Issues Completed

    • Group by Investments

  • Issue Cycle Time

    • Group by Story points

  • Issues Injected

  • PRs unlinked


What’s the difference between Team Metrics and Reports pages?

Team metrics is purposefully built for a single team. This gives teams a dedicated place to review metrics that are most relevant to that particular team.

Reports provides flexible reporting across all teams.

Do you track X metric?

See this page for a list of all metrics and calculations.

How is X metric calculated?

See this page for a list of all metrics and calculations.

Can I see this per X?

Yes, most likely.

You can group by any field in Github or Jira. For Github Metrics (i.e. Review Time, PRs Merged, etc) you’ll be able to group by any field in Github. Similarly for Jira Metrics (i.e. Cycle Time, Sprint Completion, etc) you’ll be able to group by any field in Jira.

For more info check Add Reports

Can I filter to only contain X?

Yes, most likely.

You can filter by any field in Github or Jira. For Github Metrics (i.e. Review Time, PRs Merged, etc) you’ll be able to filter by any field in Github. Similarly for Jira Metrics (i.e. Cycle Time, Sprint Completion, etc) you’ll be able to filter by any field in Jira.

For more info check Add Reports

What reports should I track?

See this page for a list of all our favorite boards.

Can I duplicate an existing board?

You can duplicate an existing board only in Reports page.

In Team metrics page, you cannot duplicate or copy a board from one team to another.

Can I update all reports on a board?

Yes, simply update the filter at the top of any board. This will filter all reports on that board. You can additionally save your filter if you’d like to change the board’s default filters.

Last updated