
See epics that are in progress

This feature is in beta ​ We’re actively working to improve this feature and we could use your help!

If you have questions, feedback, or requests please message us in Slack or email support@usehaystack.io.

This article will explain how Epic page works.

Active Epics

When you open the page you can see active epics by default

Inactive Epics

No worked in last {timeframe} dropdown allows you to see all other epics inside your teams board.

Changing the timeframe will impact which epics belongs to the active epics section vs inactive epics sections.

Progress Percentages

For each epic you will see 2 percentages

  • Last 30 days: Depending on the timeframe you selected, will show how much of the issues inside the epic has been moved to done status category. The title will also change accordingly

  • In total: Shows how much of the issues inside the epic has been moved to done status category.


Issues inside Epic

You can click the bars and see what's

  • Blue: Completed "before" this time frame

  • Green: Completed "during" this time frame

  • Gray: Not completed


Date Filter

You can select different timeframes.

The following options are available.

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • This week

  • This month

  • This quarter


What epics are shown?

The epics are shown based on team board setting.

Haystack gets all the epics in your board (timeline in Jira). Team member filters do not have impact on the epics being shown. However, team members will have impact on the drill-ins to see which issues where contributed by which team.

Last updated